We are not given or granted rights to the land, clean air, or clean water. They are inherent rights which have been exercised by our people since time immemorial. From the Creator. To our ancestors. Onto us.
We are here now, we have always been here, and we will always be here.
COVID-19 Updates
Emergency Response Level Raised to Orange
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY AND UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The risk of contracting COVID-19 has been rising in our region, and for at least two months in Manitoba, and it is not improving. Please refer to the Northwest Angle #33 Emergency Response Levels. Chief and Council are...
Positive COVID-19 Case at St Thomas Aquinas School
The Kenora Catholic District School Board has received notification of a positive COVID-19 case at St. Thomas Aquinas High School and is working closely with the Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) on next steps. The positive case is being followed up by the Northwestern...
Increased COVID-19 Risk in Kenora Region
The Northerwestern Health Unit (NWHU) urges the public to practice prevention measures as COVID-19 case counts increase in the Kenora region. In the past 17 days, 10 positive cases have been reported in the Kenora region, and three of these cases are currently...
Latest News

Membership Update – 2021/2022
The purpose of this report is to provide membership with an update on programs and services. As you may be aware, we have been extremely short-staffed. Recruiting staff for job vacancies within the community has been a difficult task and with little response from...

Community Consultation Coordinator
Northwest Angle #33 First Nation is seeking the services of two (2) part-time Community Consultation Coordinators. One (1) Community Consultation Coordinator will be based in Angle Inlet (33B), and one (1) will be based in Dog Paw (33A). Community Consultation...

Letter To Membership – Flooding Claim Consultations
As you know, we are nearing a potential resolution of our long outstanding Flood Claim. We, as your current Chief and Council, feel fortunate to continue the work of many previous Chief and Council's to move this claim forward and to be in the position of hopefully...

Community Meeting – Flooding Claim Settlement
Northwest Angle #33 is holding a community meeting regarding the flooding claim settlement Canada admitted responsibility for. The first is at 11am on October 2, 2021 at Angle Inlet Community Hall. The second is at 11am on October 16, 2021 at Dogpaw Community Hall....

Broomball Tournament
Saturday, June 5th, 2021 Team registration: Submit teams by Friday, June 4th, 2021 to receptionist Game day: Saturday, June 5th, 2021 First game @ 12:00pm Lunch will be provided Teams of 4 2 adults 1 youth 1 child Prizes 1st $100.00 2nd $75.00 3rd $50.00 ***Community...
New Relationship Consultation Coordinator
The Consultation Coordinator will engage with all levels of government and private sectors in relation to land and resourcematters. Responsibilities Develop and update the NRF Core work plan and budget.Respond to consultation requests.Complete final reports.Draft a...
Northwest Angle #33 Latest Band News & Updates
Normally, we would have an annual general membership meeting in December, however due to COVID-19, and to protect our members from contracting the virus, we are providing this update on the activities of the Chief and Council since being elected or re-elected to...
New Northwest Angle #33 Website
With two geographical locations that are quite far apart, communication between the Band and its members hasn't ever been as easy as it should. This website was built to disseminate information about our First Nation to its members, and the general public. We have a...